Hey all,
The 2006 NAQT Southwest SCT will occur on February 11, 2006, at the
University of Texas at Austin. The following teams have signed up,
and are all Division II:
-ULL (3 teams)
-Rice (2 teams)
-UTD (2 teams)
If you would like to sign up, please e-mail me (nancemj [at] gmail
[dot] com) by February 4. The basic fee structure is as follows:
-$120 for the first team
-$100 for each subsequent team
-$10 discount for each working buzzer system
-$10 discount for each working timer
Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. in Mezes Hall. The first round
will start around 9 a.m. If you have any logistical questions, feel
free to e-mail me or Eric (ekwartler [at] gmail [dot] com). We look
forward to seeing you there.
Matthew Nance
University of Texas Quiz Bowl Club