First of all, it has been brought to my attention that there was a
typo in the original annoucnement, the tournament will take place on
February 11th, a Saturday, not February 10, which isn't a Saturday.
So far, the following teams are expected to come:
Division 1:
USC: 1 team
UCI: 1 team
UCB: 0-1 teams
Division 2:
USC: 1 or 2 teams
UCI: 1 team
CalTech: 1 team
UCB: at least 1 team
If you haven't notified me yet as to whether you are coming, please do
so as soon as you can. If housing, cost, etc, is a problem, let me
Registration fees are $120 for the first team for each school and $100
for each additional team, less $10 for each buzzer system and $5 per
clock. If your school has not played in any NAQT tournaments for the
past 2 years, there is an additional $20 discount.
As far as supplies go, USC has said they can bring 1-2 buzzers and 1-2
clocks, UCI has 2 buzzers and at least 1 clock, and CalTech has 2
buzzers and maybe a clock. We have our own buzzer systems as well, so
me may not even need all of those.
Larry Wang
Berkeley Engineering, 2008