As you probably already know, Feb. 4-5 is another tournament weekend at UTC. On Sat., Feb., 4, we will host ACF Regionals. If you are interested in attending and haven't already notified me, please let me know. As of the moment we expect: Athens State (1-2 teams) Berry Florida State Kentucky Louisville UTC Vanderbilt (1-2 teams) On Sun., Feb. 5, we will host a trash tournament, ACF Detox. Between the late notice, the number of short-handed teams, and the fact that it's Super Bowl Sunday, we are restructuring the tournament to fit the situation. (Credit to UTC A.T.A. President Emeritus* John Kilby for the idea.) ACF Detox will take place as scheduled -- but as a pairs tournament. All teams will consist of either one or two players, EXCEPT that first-time trash players don't count against the team limit. In other words, you could field a team of four first-time players, or two experienced trash players plus one or two first-time- ever trash tournament players, or... well, you get the idea. If you've wanted to try a trash tournament, this would be a great time to check it out. We will finish in time for everyone to see the Super Bowl. Fees are really simple: $30 per team with a full packet (at least 24/24, which I really need by Tuesday evening), $40 with a half packet (at least 12/12), or $50 with no packet. You can knock another $5 off for each official for ACF Regionals Saturday, even if you went to Provino's. For either or both tournaments, if you need further details, directions, packet specifications, etc., e-mail me at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net. Thanks. P.S. Mark your calendars for Sat., March 4. We'll host our spring high school tournament, the Dennis Haskins Open. Come join us as officials for the day -- gain some great experience, earn major credit for tournament fees and/or practice questions, and get treated to dinner at Provino's. * Emeritus from the Latin: "e-" meaning "you're out" and "-meritus" meaning "you deserved it"
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