Hi all, This will be the final Canada East update posted on any message board (with the exception of the announcement that the field is closed). From now on, all messages will be sent by e-mail to confirmed tournament attendees. So if you've been getting these e-mails through the message board (qb-canada or quizbowl) mailing list, and not directly from me, please reply with your preferred e-mail. Some schools may be getting two copies at two different addresses; please also let me know what your preferred address is to streamline things. Here are the teams we have confirmed so far with discounts: D-I Alfred A (Buzzer, distance x2) McGill A (Buzzer) Ottawa A (Buzzer) Ottawa B (Brandeis)--still waiting for 100% confirmation (distance) D-II Alfred B (distance x2) Brock (moderator, distance x2) Carleton A Carleton B Laurentian (new team) McMaster A (distance, buzzer, scorekeeper) McMaster B (distance) McGill B McGill C Queen's A (2 buzzers, 2 staff) Rochester C (possible moderator, distance) Toronto (2 buzzers, possible 2 staff) Wilfrid Laurier A (Buzzer, 2 scorekeepers, possibly 2 moderators, distance) Wilfrid Laurier B Possibilities--you have two days left to confirm: Western Ontario Amherst If you want to add another team, or you are one of the two schools above, you have until Saturday at 11:59pm to let me know for sure. Please, though, even if you are not sure, let me know if you are thinking about it. This is because if I know that having extra teams come is a possibility, I can give you a couple extra days to get your team together. Also, please start to confirm your discounts and staff with me. Right now we have 9 buzzers, which is just enough for 19 teams, assuming they all work properly. Please let me know if your buzzer does not have four working components on each side, or if by some chance you might have an extra buzzer lying around, just in case. Currently, from teams attending, we have 6 definite staff, and 5 probable staff, plus at least 2 extra staff per round if D-I ends up with a bye. We'll need at least 18 staff, and 20-21 would be preferable. We have a bunch of people lined up on our side, but the fewer we need to use, the better for everyone. So if you're in the "maybe staff" category (Rochester, Toronto, WLU), please confirm. Also, if you haven't told me about a staff member yet, it's not too late. If you want to bring one, you're entitled to a $15 discount regardless of whether he/she reads or scorekeepers, so long as he/she doesn't play a round. If he/she does rotate in and out of games, then you get a $5 discount. That's a pretty good deal, so hopefully it entices someone. Let me know. Once the field closes on Saturday, please start sending me names of people on your teams. I'll also have fuller details about event locations and schedules as the week goes on, and send out your tentative bills. Hopefully that will answer most of your questions. If you have any questions about Montreal-related topics, or if it's something that concerns your ability to bring a team, though, ask away in the meantime. I'll be in touch after the weekend with another group message. Regards, Andrew ------------------ Andrew Segal President Trivia Club McGill University triviaclub_at_...
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