The UTC Academic Trivia Association will host the 8th annual Moon Pie
(TM)* Classic academic quizbowl tournament on Sat., April 22, in
Chattanooga. In keeping with tradition, there will be marshmallowy
door prizes flying through the air in the pregame festivities. This
will be a packet-submission-preferred tournament, with your genial
quizmaster Charlie Steinhice as editor-in-chief.
To wash the Moon Pie down, we will also host our 6th annual RC Cola
Classic trash tournament on Sun., April 23. The torch has been passed
to a new generation of trashoholics: John Kilby will serve as editor-
Further details will follow, but feel free to go ahead and start
writing those questions now!
* Moon Pie is a registered trademark, used with the gracious
permission of Chattanooga Bakery, Inc.