Caveat - While I'm still theoretically a member of UD's quiz bowl team, I haven't done anything with them for the entire year. This is therefore an unofficial persepctive thing. Quick, unofficial results - Caesar Rodney A defeated Charter School of Wilmington A in a one-game playoff. A freshman (!) from Charter was high scorer. DE schools really appear to be liking qb a lot, and many are in favor of attending a second tournament in the fall (lots of people liked the one trash round that was read before the playoffs). UD is getting a fair amount of the seniors, although Northwestern, Kansas, West Chester and Brown will also benefit. Comments - I was co-TD for this tournament last year, and it was plagued with a large number of problems, almost all of which were specifically my fault. Now that I've left, the tournament has improved immensely :-) . Kudos to Dave Balseiro et al. from UD for making this incarnation one thousand percent better, from logistics to number of teams to awards ceremonies. I'd also like to say that the moderating corps here was excellent (free dinners at Klondike Kate's will do that :-) ), as lots of people journeyed a significant distance to get there for one of the best-staffed tournaments that I've seen. Further kudos go to Jessie C., who put up with me in room 228 and did a much better job of reading than I did. Hayden "Happy quiz bowl teams are all alike; each unhappy one is unhappy in its own way."
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