Players and Coaches --
People may now discuss questions (and anything else) from the Division I SCT
sets that were played this past weekend as those questions will not be used for
future events.
If teams can determine, by comparing packets, that questions in the Division II
set were either identical to, or clearly "toned down" from, questions in the DI
set, then those may also be discussed.
Teams may NOT discuss the Community College SCT questions (that is, Invitational
Series #58) nor may they discuss questions in the DII set that were "upped in
difficulty" from IS #58. If you're not sure whether a question in the DII set
is clear for discussion, feel free to contact NAQT at and we'll
let you know.
NAQT's writers and members read the popular quiz bowl forums and will probably
see any and all feedback posted there. If you want to be certain that something
gets read, or if you definitely want a response, please don't hesitate to e-mail
us directly at
We thank you for your attendance at the SCT and look forward to seeing the top
teams in Maryland in April!
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC