Hi everyone, I just wanted to pass this note along to you to let you know that the team and individual stats for Saturday's tournament are up on the web. Before letting you know where they are, the obligatory notes from the host: Thanks very much to all the teams that came and participated, especially those of you who travelled quite a distance to get here. I think the competition was top-notch, and hopefully we were able to provide you with a fun day of trivia--I thought the two finals were particularly exciting--and sorry about all the shuttling between buildings. And, of course, congratulations to our two winners, Ottawa and Queen's. Hopefully we'll be seeing you in Maryland come April. And sorry to any other teams hoping for an at-large bid...the Canadian Sectional got the short end of the stick, again. Thanks so much to our staff and volunteers for helping out with moderating and scorekeeping--especially those who were not affiliated with our club and gave up a day for us...we certainly couldn't have done it without you. Thanks also to those of you who did rotating scorekeeping from the various schools. Thanks as well to the University of Ottawa for putting this stuff up on their website and for supplying the clocks. As well, since they're doing that, I'll give them a plug for the 2006 Ottawa Hybrid Tournament...sign up for it! Finally, a reminder to Alfred, Brandeis and Rochester to please send me your cheques/checks. I need to pass money on to NAQT, so the sooner you can get stuff to us, the better. If you need the address again, please let me know. So, with all that out of the way, here are the stats. For D-I, we're still missing one game between Alfred and Ottawa A, so sorry for not having that. For D-II, everything is perfect (far as I can tell). If you spot any egregious errors, please let me or Ben at Ottawa (uotrivia_at_...) know and we'll do our best to fix them. D-I stats are here: http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia/canSCT2006/canSCT06DI_standings.html D-II stats are here: http://ca.geocities.com/uotrivia/canSCT2006/canSCT06DII_standings.html So, with that said, I think this is all from me as it relates to this tournament. Thanks again for coming, and hope to see you soon at various other events. All the best, Andrew --------------------- Andrew Segal President Trivia Club McGill University triviaclub_at_...
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