Yeah, you can certainly get one like that. Radio Shack or any other
small appliance store should carry timers of the same kind; the one we
have is from Radio Shack. If you have your heart set on the exact ones
UGA had, you'll have to ask them about where they got them (if they
were using NAQT's clocks, you'll have to ask NAQT or someone who
knows; I don't know where those come from, but I know they can be
had.) Timers of that kind are not usually terribly expensive.
--- In, "Bryan Cole" <walrus0909_at_...> wrote:
> So last year, we attended NAQT sectionals at UGA, I believe. They had
> these nice big timers and, since there's usually a reduction for
> bringing timers, we were wondering where we could get one and how much
> it would cost.
> Actually, we were mostly wondering where we could get one, since it's
> the school's money we'd be spending and not ours, and what's wrong
> with spending other people's money?