Hey all, On April 22, the University of Maryland will host the David Scott Hamilton Invitational Tournament. Please note that we are looking to hold separate divisions for DSHIT this year, in contrast to our traditional Div-II only field, as enough teams have expressed interest in a late April tournament. Open teams may play with permission of the Tournament Director. I would also like to apologize for the short notice (things got busy here, but excuses are excuses). Fees and whatnot: First Team from School: $100 Additional Teams: $90 Minimum fee per team: $70 Working Buzzer System: -$5 per system Full-time Moderator: -$10 per moderator Packet Submission Infoz: (all times are 11:59 pm Eastern on the given days) Packet in by 3/17: -$25 Packet in by 3/24: -$15 Packet in by 3/31: -$5 Packet in by 4/2: $0 Packet in after 4/2: $5 Packet in after 4/7: $15 Packet in after 4/12: $25 Packet not in by 4/12: $40 All teams are expected to submit a packet as per the requirements listed below. Not submitting a packet may result in your team being scratched from the tournament. DISTRIBUTION: 25 tossups and 25 bonuses per packet. Vary answers across time and subject/genre. Literature: 5/5 (including American, British, European, World, Ancient, et cetera) Science 5/5 (including Bio, Chem, Physics, Math, Comp Sci, et cetera) History: 5/5 (American, Euro, World, Ancient, Modern, et cetera) RMP: 3/3 (at least 1 part from each Philosophy, Religion and Myth) Fine arts: 2/2 (visual, audio) Social Science/Geography: 2/2 TRASH: 2/2 Your Choice: 1/1 Style/Format: Tossups should be 8±2 lines of text 11-pt Times New Roman font. The questions ought to be pyramidal. Please do you best to fact- and pyramid-check, as our editors are by no means experts in everything and while we'll try our best, the surest way to make sure that the questions are good is to write good questions. Bonuses need to be worth a possible 30 pts.; no single-part all-or-nothing bonuses. No 15-15's either unless you use the 15/10 or 15/5 format (even then, please use sparingly). Please try to keep five and six-part bonuses limited to less than a quarter of all bonuses. If and when you do use them, please try to keep them short. You can try to write a 30-20-10 bonus if you want to, but odds are we'll send it back to you and have you rewrite it. Also, please avoid writing twenty-five 10-10-10 bonuses. Please preface each part of every bonus with how much that particular part is worth in square brackets on the same line as the bonus (for example, [10]) Please make your questions appropriate to the division in which your team is playing. All packets must be blind to all other teams in the tournament, including other teams from your own school (so don't use them for practices or whatever else you use questions for). Packets should be submitted in either the .doc or .rtf format. 11-pt Times New Roman Font. Questions should separated by categories. All answers should be on the line after the end of the questions proceeded by "ANSWER: " Do not use tabs, numbering, or any sort of thing that will trigger autoformatting. The editors reserve the right to reject packets that do not meet difficulty or formatting guidelines. We'll be in Jimenez this time around. The usual Maryland logistics apply (and will be sent out to teams who register). If you have any questions, are submitting a packet or would like to register a team, please contact Tournament Director Brad Houston (bhouston_at_... [bhouston (at) umd (dot) edu]). You can also email me with questions (crettere_at_..., [crettere (at) umd (dot) edu]), but Brad's handling the logistics on this one. Thanks, - Casey
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