...better late than never.
Tulane University in New Orleans will be hosting (again) the Louisiana
state high school NAQT tournament Saturday, April 1. The registration
fee will be $80, with the usual discounts for distance, buzzers,
multiple teams, etc. Unfortunately, our secretary has the fee
schedule, so email us and we'll tell you what the actual numbers are.
We apologize for the late notice and would appreciate it if any
interested teams would respond via email as soon as possible so we can
get an idea of how many teams we'll have and whatnot.
Hope to see you all (and by "you all" i mean "all of you who are
affiliated with Louisiana high school teams") April 1.
The Tulane College Bowl Exec Board
Adam Kijowski [President], Scarlett Pedersen [Vice President], Hunter
Sims [Secretary], and Bryan Cole [Your Genial Treasurer]
akijowsk_at_..., spederse_at_..., hsims_at_tulane.edu,