I know it's far from the first time we had this debate, but this past weekend re-raises the question of whether there still is (and should be) any viable connection between academic quiz bowl and trash. While I wasn't directly harmed by Cancel Bowl's disruption of the Brown tournament, I am speaking out because I think it sets a dangerous precedent. It's always been a tacit rule on the circuit that tournaments (regardless of academic or trash status) should respect each other's scheduling, and Cancel Bowl basically raised its leg and urinated on that rule. I'm not here to pile on Mr. Coen, whom I've met in the past and got the impression he was a perfectly nice guy, nor make any accusations of malice, but it's simply disrespectful to step on the toes of another tournament, even if it's an innocent mistake, and refuse to budge when the mistake is pointed out. I know someone like myself, Jerry (who actually did bend over backwards to accomodate this intrusion on his tournament), or any experienced academic tournament director would have graciously tried to move or work something out; should we not expect trash tournaments to abide by the same standards anymore? If so, that segues into my question of why trash should even be considered as part of quiz bowl. At this point the common thread of questions, answers, and some sort of recognition machine doesn't even make sense anymore, or else we'd count pub trivia as quiz bowl (which apparently at least some "quiz bowl" teams prefer to the actual academic quiz bowl that defines the activity). If the message from this past weekend is that trash organizers don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else in quiz bowl, is there any reason why trash players (and I mean the people who only play trash and the occasional NAQT high school tournament, not people who actually write packets and attend academic tournaments as well) are still considered part of the circuit, given deference in their tournament scheduling, able to use the same public resources (e.g. message boards) and university resources (e.g. school funding and hosting space for tournaments; as I imagine you're much more likely to get support in the name of college-level academic competition than in the name of joining a bunch of bored, out-of-school 35 year olds in answering non-pyramidal questions on 1970's sitcoms and last week's hot radio singles)? I don't know, it just seems that academic and trash tournaments and players inherently seem to be at odds, especially given the way in which the broadest attempt for both factions reach out, the ACF Fall-TRASH Regionals partnership, turned out to be a mutual disappointment. I don't hate trash by default; I enjoy it when well done (i.e. when people who aren't TRASH and can/make the slightest attempt to write questions even minimally approaching today's circuit standards are running things, but that's another diatribe), but it seems to make more sense to keep it separate from college quiz bowl and let the people who want to do academic do their own thing and the people who want to do trash do theirs (either through their own private funding and organization or as part of a distinct trash-specific university one) and the people who want to do both bounce around between two different entities on their own time, rather than try to force this uneasy coexistance.
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