Well, with Trash, I can play as many rounds as
people can write, but I'm in the minority
I think the right amount is a round robin is 12.
Teams, that is. 11 is a good number to guarantee. ACF
Regionals this year, at UMCP, where I read, were 15 rounds,
and I thought that was way too long and required more
concentration than anybody posessed.
CBI Regionals had
fewer rounds in my region, but i still took forever b/c
the moderating was so lousy it dragged on
NAQT always seemed to have the right amount
of rounds, and moderating was on the whole excellent
there. The questions were about the right length, and
there were no interminably long bonuses that torture
players and moderators.
So, in short, 11 or 12
rounds is a good guarantee number.