This has already been announced, but I wanted to officially
congratulate Texas A&M on winning the 2006 ACF Nationals. Also,
congratulations to Michigan, who won the first game of the finals to
force a decisive game which went down to the final tossup.
I want to thank everyone who helped with ACF nationals this year.
First, let me recognize my co-editors: Ezequiel Berdichevsky, Wesley
Matthews, Jason Paik, David Press, Matt Reece, and Andrew Ullsperger.
Also, thanks to Peter Freeman for helping out with some timely
geography questions. I'd also like to thank all the Michigan people
who helped make the tournament run so smoothly. In particular, lots of
love to David Rappaport for doing much of the legwork and to Craig
Barker for doing an excellent job running the stat room.
An announcement about the date of next year's ACF nationals should be
forthcoming in the next week or so. In the meantime, anyone who wants
to purchase this year's question set should email me about it (adyaphe
at gmail dot com).