Right now we expect at least 28 teams for the Moon Pie Classic
academic tournament on Sat., April 22 at UT-Chattanooga. I count
nine in Division I, twelve in Division II, two open teams, and five
for which I don't yet know the division. Since we only have enough
rooms to handle 36 teams, if you're still considering attending, I'd
suggest you let me know ASAP at steinhic [at] bellsouth [dot] net.
And of course let me know anything that differs from what is listed
below for your squad.
The field as I have it:
Athens State CC 1(Div. II)
Florida State 1 (Div. I)
Georgia Tech 2 (both Div. I)
Kentucky 2 (both Div. I)
Shorter 2 (both Div. II)
Shorter-affiliated 1 open
Tennessee 2 (1 in each division)
UTC 2 (1 in each division, but only if we have enough officials)
Tulane 2 (divisions unknown)
North Carolina St. 2 (both Div. II)
Mississippi State 1 (Div. II)
Valencia CC 2 (both Div. II)
Valencia-affiliated 1 open
South Georgia 2 (both Div. II)
South Florida 1 (Div. I)
Virginia Tech 2 (divisions unknown)
South Carolina 1 (Div. I)
Georgia 1 (division unknown)
I'm also waiting for confirmations from:
Florida (division unknown)
Northeast AL CC (Div. II)