Players and Coaches --
In light of feedback on this (and past) year's Intercollegiate
Championship Tournament, NAQT has prepared a survey of player and
coach opinions on the distribution, difficulty, and style of our
questions. This survey is intended for everybody who plays quiz bowl
at the collegiate level, regardless of whether or not they competed in
the SCT or ICT this year.
We would greatly appreciate it if you would take the time to give us
feedback; they survey may be found on our website:
Please pass this link along to other team members if you think that
they don't currently read this message board.
We hope that the results show a clear way for us to change our
championship sets so that they are more to the liking of today's
If you have any questions about this survey, or any aspect of NAQT,
please don't hesitate to e-mail me personally or to contact the
company as a whole at
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC