With about a month to go prior to the Mill, I thought I'd post a field
update. I'm under the impression that the following people/teams may
be playing at the tournament:
* The Housing Discrimination All-Stars (Mike Sorice, Andrew
Ullsperger, Jerry Vinokurov, Matt Weiner)
* Bruce Arthur, Jared Sagoff, Ray Sun, and Peter Austin
* Ed Cohn, Susan Ferrari, Seth Samelson, Kannan Mahadevan
* You Offend Our Sense of Quiz Bowl Aesthetics and Are Probably the
Result of Lazy Question Writing (R. Hentzel, Eric Hillemann, etc.)
* Matt Lafer, Paul Litvak, perhaps Adam Kemezis and other(s)
* Phil Blessman and friends? (haven't heard from them in a while)
* Eric Kwartler and a band of lovable misfits
* Leo Wolpert and a band of lovable gerbils?
* David Rappaport and Will Turner, etc.?
As may be apparent, I'm not really sure about the constitution of a
number of these teams, or whether some of them will even be attending.
Space constraints here at Chicago may force us to cap the field at a
relatively small number (like, 11), so if you're interested in playing
you should email me at adyaphe at gmail dot com.