Here is the final field as I have it for the Moon Pie (TM) Classic.
If you see anything that's incorrect, please call me at (four two
three) five oh four, eight two five five. Anyone who'll be within
shouting distamce of Chattanooga and wants to come help officiate
(Saturday 4/22 and/or for the RC Cola trash tournament 4/23) is more
than welcome and will be rewarded with dinner at Provino's, actual
Moon Pies, packet sets, etc.
DIVISION I (15 teams)
Florida State
Georgia Tech A
Georgia Tech B
Hendry/Dawson open
Kentucky A
Kentucky B
Shorter open
South Carolina
South Florida
Tennessee A
Tulane A
Tulane B
Valencia CC open
Virginia Tech A
DIVISION II (11 teams)
Athens State CC
Macon State
Mississippi State
North Carolina St.
Shorter A
Shorter B
Tennessee B
Valencia CC A
Valencia CC B
Virginia Tech B