The small but elite field for the Mill is filling up, so if you're
still interested in entering a team you should email me (at adyaphe at
gmail dot com). Also, at least one team is in need of free agents, so
if you want to play but don't have teammates you should get in touch
also. Anyway, here's the field:
* The Housing Discrimination All-Stars (Mike Sorice, Andrew
Ullsperger, Jerry Vinokurov, Matt Weiner)
* The Call of the Toad (Bruce Arthur, Jared Sagoff, Ray Sun, and Peter
* We Have the Facts and We're Buzzing Yes (Ed Cohn, Susan Ferrari,
Christopher Grubb, Kannan Mahadevan)
* You Offend Our Sense of Quiz Bowl Aesthetics and Are Probably the
Result of Lazy Question Writing (R. Hentzel, Eric Hillemann, Emily
Pike, Tom Waters)
* Drunk and Drunkerer (Matt Lafer, Paul Litvak, Chris Frankel)
* Summer Among the Zombies (David Rappaport, Will Turner, Ryan
Westbrook, Eric Kwartler)
* Michael Bilow, Andrew Uzzell
* Carleton
See you in Chicago,