Players and Coaches --
NAQT has posted a short survey about its policies, scheduling, and
format for the ICT and SCT at:
We are hoping that every current college player or coach will take the
time to share his or her opinions on the various issues with us. If
there are members of your team that do not frequently read this
mailing list, please take the time to forward this message to them.
We were excited to get 230 responses to our previous survey and hope
to garner as many, or more, for this one.
As before, this survey only concerns the collegiate game and only
policies for the SCT and ICT (not questions). Feedback about high
school tournaments, questions, and anything not covered by it is
always welcome as well and can be e-mailed directly to It may take a while, but you will get a
We look forward to hearing from you!
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC