Players and Coaches --
NAQT's Invitational Series from 2005-2006 (IS #52 through IS #59) are
now available for purchase as practice questions through NAQT's
website at:
NAQT also has its Scholastic Scrimmage, QuizBusters, Battle of the
Brains, and Quiz Central sets available for purchase, but they are not
listed on the website. If you're interested in getting those
questions (which were used on their namesake television shows), please
contact us at
Finally, NAQT's 2005-2006 IHSA-style [Illinois] round are also
available; contact us at to purchase those.
NAQT is currently offering the following deals:
* Any four regular Invitational Series for $99 (including shipping)
* NAQT's New High School Package for $99 (including shipping)
* Any five previous HS NCT sets for $175 (including shipping)
To take advantage of any of those offers, please e-mail us at
-- R. Robert Hentzel
President and Chief Technical Officer,
National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC