Congrats to Lords of Alacrity for winning Duck Bowl V.
Standings are as follows
Lords of Alacrity 7-1
White et Al 7-1
Rose Hulman 3-5
Pittsburgh 3-5
Illinois-Springfield 0-1
Lords of Alacrity defeated White et Al in a one-game
Top Individuals were
Jeremy from White et Al with 68.75 PPG
Eric from Lords of Alacrity with 43.75 PPG
Matt from Rose-Hulma with 38.75 PPG
Stan from Lords of Alacrity with 25.00 PPG
Kyle from White et Al with 24.38 PPG
Toby from Pittsburgh with 22.50 PPG
Apollo from Pittsburgh with 29.38 PPG
Scott from Lords of Alacrity with 17.50 PPG
Stephen from Rose-Hulman with 16.25 PPG
Kellie from White et al with 15.00 PPG
Neg king was tied between Eric from Lords of Alacrity
and Toby from Pittsburgh with 10 each.
Congratulations again to Lords of Alacrity and thanks
to everyone who came.
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