This is a preliminary announcement for ACF Regionals 2007. ACF
Regionals 2007 will take place on the weekend of February 17th, 2007
at various sites which will be announced later. The tournament will be
edited by Jerry Vinokurov, Ryan Westbrook, myself, and possibly others.
Bids to host will be accepted through November 5th, 2006. We would
like one host in each of the following traditional regions:
Lower Midwest
Upper Midwest
We are certainly willing to create further sites (Northwest, Canada,
etc.) if demand for them exists.
If you are interested in hosting, or if you have any questions about
the tournament, please send me an email (setht_at_...).
Packet specifications, deadlines, price structures and other relevant
information will be posted at a later time.
Chief Editor, ACF Regionals 2007