Dan, A) Have *you* been to TTGT11 at Iowa? If not, do not refer to it as shit. Come to it first, and then refer to it as shit. I hereby invite you and whatever team you can field. B) Please, do not generalize one player's opinion to the rest of his team's. I expect no one who reads this board to generalize my opinions to UIAQC's. I'm a huge asshole, whereas the rest of my team consists of pretty nice people. C) You're right: I jiggered the numbers in my favor. I knew for sure that there were no smart people on this board who would call me on it, and even if there were, there was no chance that any of them could do simple math, let alone statistics. This made the job of painstaking categorization of each question as either academic or trash much cheaper, as I was then able to layoff the team of certified accountants I had procured for counting purposes. D) Again, you're right: despite the fact that I have a job, a social life, and several hobbies other than quizbowl that bring meaning to my pitiful existence, I SHOULD be expected know everybody's Yahoo! handle on sight, and I have no right to expect that attacks on specific individuals, schools, or tournaments be signed by name. I will work towards fixing my ridiculous standards in the future. ++Andrew --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "danpassner" <DanPassner_at_...> wrote: I generally go by a simple rule at this point: ""if you don't want people to call you out on shit, try hard not to produce shit." I call it Reid's Razor. I learned that lesson through many mistakes and am still working on the latter part to it. Asinine posts suck, but so does spending $200 year after year, as I'd imagine the UIUC team had done, to patronize your tournament, only to find it subpar. I also wonder if you categorized q's like typhoid mary and the list tu on yarmulke as academic? Numbers can be jiggered around however one wants. Sudheer's (who the hell is he!?!?) post still maintains its assholey core validity, in my humble opinion. But, its always good you put on an event with lots of packets each year, for that I do give you kudos. Put more time into the polish, and less into the audio round, and you might silence some of the so- called "partisans." Dan
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