1) Sudheer's post makes me happy. I think he's wrong, and I sure
don't remember promising either him or MaS 75%, but his post makes me
happy nonetheless. I think I could enjoy a beer with Sudheer.
2) Let's end the flamewar in its infancy.
So, here:
I *promise* UIUC will have a fun time this year, if--and only if--they
come with the understanding that they may only hear a 60% academic
tournament. It would help, too, if they understand that they may just
draw a round with two packets they'll suck in.
There: a promise. From me. To UIUC. To everyone else. Asshole
Scout's honor. Print it out. Frame it. Put it on your corkboard.
--- In, suds1000 <no_reply_at_...> wrote:
Incidentally, all I did in my original post was ask two simple
questions. Answers of "no", "no", and "we think we've done a
reasonably good job so far, and we're always trying to improve the
tournament" would have been more than sufficient as a response. I
myself have undoubtedly taken more quizbowl-related criticism than you
have, but I honestly think I've done a much better job of responding
to it.