Do you have any updated information re: who will be hosting regionals
this fall?
Bryan Cole
Tulane University College Bowl
--- In, mcoen_bu <no_reply_at_...> wrote:
> Good afternoon all,
> As part of our reorganization at TRASH, I've been tapped to
> coordinate the 2006 regionals, coming the weekend of November 10-11.
> And in the interest of getting them to come to a campus near you,
> I'd like to reiterate the call for regional hosts. If you're free
> that weekend, and would be interested in hosting a regional
> tournament, please drop me a line at mcoen_bu at yahoo dot com. I
> know many folks have already headed out for the summer, but wanted
> to get one more request out there.
> For those of you who have already contacted James Dinan about this,
> I'll be getting your information shortly. You don't have to contact
> me, but if you'd like to please feel free. That goes for anyone
> with questions about regionals.
> Thanks,
> Mark