Congratulations to Toronto (Bobby Hsu, Eric Smith, Matto Mildenberger,
Jeff), winners of the 2006 VETO's Eastern Trivia Open, who defeated UOTT Are
We? (Ben Smith, Tamara Vardomskaya, Phillippe Marchand, Shauna McNally).
Humboldt's Wooly Monkey (Western alumni) placed 3rd.
The Toronto squad went on to be defeated by the UBC Pseudo squad from
Vancouver in the Trans-Canada Championship Match.
The title of NOTE (Nerd of The East) goes to a Westerner this year -- Zarya
Cynader from the UBC in Exile team, scoring 50.83 points per game.
Jordan from McMaster had the most negs with 13 in 6 games.
Full standings and statistics (using SQBS) can be found at
Special thanks to all of the teams that came out, to Victoria Groce and
Bruce Saunders for writing the Trans-Canada Championship Match packet, and
to Robert Schmidt for moderating the Trans-Canada Championship Match.
Recordings from a number of the matches out of Toronto will be posted online
in the next couple of weeks.
Andy Saunders
Tournament Director
2006 VETO's Eastern Trivia Open
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