I think your memory differs from mine. Actually consulting my notes
from the tournaments and last year's Rollapalooza stats (helpfully
seen at
I'm pretty sure you're really just dead wrong on this. UIUC hasn't
been since to Rollapalooza since 2001 aka when this year's freshmen
were in junior high school. If by having "gone to both for some
number of years" means "not having been to one in five years while
going to the other more regularly," you have a very loose
construction of what consistently attending both means.
--- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Michael Angelo Sorice"
<msorice_at_...> wrote:
> Well, we've gone to both for some number of years and would likely
> so again if we can. I think some other teams are in the same
> Thanks,
> Mike
> --- In quizbowl_at_yahoogroups.com, "Sean Phillips" <allythin_at_> wrote:
> >
> > IIRC, has there even been that much overlap between the two
> > tournaments fields in recent years? It seems most of the teams
> > go to Iowa don't go to Rollapalooza and vice versa.
> >
> > Sean Phillips