The Terrapin Invitational Tournament returns to the University of Maryland in College Park on December 2 as part of the T&A weekend. This will be an open tournament, so anyone willing to write a packet, travel to Maryland and pay the registration fee is welcome to play. Base Price: $100 Minimum fee per team: $70 Discounts: Buzzers: $5 a system Moderator: $10 Travel discounts may be available to teams who can convince me they deserve one. Submission timeline: Submitted by September 30: -$30 Submitted by October 13: -$20 Submitted by October 27: -$10 Submitted by November 3: $0 Submitted by November 10: +$10 Submitted by November 17: +$20 Submitted by November 22: +$30 No packet submitted: +$50 Packets: We are looking for 25/25 questions, distributed as follows: 4/4 History 4/4 Science 4/4 Literature 3/3 RMP 3/3 Fine Arts 2/2 Social Science / Geography 2/2 Trash / Current Events / General Knowledge 3/3 Your Choice (at least 1/1 H/S/L and 1/1 non H/S/L, limit 1/1 per category as described above) As always, try to write about a variety of topics within each category, considering region, subject, time, and medium. Submit your packets to the Tournament Director (see below). Question difficulty: we would like this tournament to be accessible to newer players, but also enough of a challenge for more seasoned folk, so aim difficulty somewhere around the level of ACF Fall. For example, a science toss-up on the Calvin Cycle would be grand, but one on cyclic adenosine mono phosphate would not. Please direct registrations and questions to Tournament Director Ali Daniels at danielsa_at_... [danielsa (at) umd (dot) edu]. Further logistical details will be sent out to registered teams closer to the tournament. If you are interested in mirroring this event or would like to acquire the packets for practice purposes afterwards (i.e. email me after the tournament if you want the questions for practice), please email me (Casey) at crettere_at_... [crettere (at) umd (dot) edu]. - Casey
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