Illinois is interested in going. I would prefer option A.
Kelly Tourdot
--- In, "dr_pookman" <dr_pookman_at_...> wrote:
> Well, the options are:
> A) Friday, October 20, 6:00pm-10:00pm & ALL DAY Saturday, October 21
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OR~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> B) ALL DAY Saturday, October 21 & Sunday, October 22, 8:00am-noonish
> I am trying to be flexible and leave this decision open to the teams
> coming. So far, I've only had three teams express interest in coming,
> so I don't have a hard answer. I am sending out e-mail requests for
> teams to start confirming their intentions in about an hour, and
> hopefully enough teams will weigh-in by Sunday that I will have an
> answer.
> --- In, "anyanka232" <anyanka232_at_> wrote:
> Just for clarification TTG11 will be on Saturday and Sunday Oct. 21/22?