[crossposted on hsquizbowl.org]
The Upper Midwest incarnation of 2006 TRASH Regionals will be held
at the University of Minnesota on Sunday, November 12, 2006.
Note that the Minnesota Undergraduate Tournament (MUT), an academic
event, will be played the previous day, so this is your opportunity
for a full weekend of quizbowl excitement in the Twin Cities.
Format will depend on the number of teams participating, but I
anticipate some form of round robin, possibly followed by a playoff.
Games will be played using regular TRASH rules, including bonus
lames and steals.
Base Fee: $100
Working Buzzer: -$10 per
Competent Staffer: -$10 per
Also playing in MUT: -$10
Travel Discount: negotiable
Minimum Fee per team: $60
Your Tournament Director is yours truly, Brian Weikle. Please
contact me via email at brianweikle [at] mindspring [dot] com if you
are planning on attending. Please send me the usual info
(school/team name, # of teams/buzzers/staff, contact details) ASAP
so I can ensure we have enough rooms, staff and equipment.
Periodic further announcements with field updates and logistical
details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, please contact me at
the above address with any questions or concerns. Thanks!