Greetings, again, everyone! The TU Academic Bowl Team will be hosting
TRASH Regionals Southwest in Chapman Hall on the TU campus on
Saturday November 11th, 2006.
***Fees and Discounts***
Base Fee: $100
Additional Teams: $75/each
Operational Buzzer Discount: -$10 (limit 2)
Volunteer Discount: -$10 (only if we use them)
Travel Discount: -$5/per 75 miles (max of -$25)
Base Fee: $60 (per team)
To register, of if you have any questions, comments, or concerns,
please feel free to e-mail me. Also, if finances are an issue, please
let me know, and we will work something out.
Angelo Malabanan
President - TU Academic Bowl Team
Co-Tournament Director - TRASH Regionals Southwest 2006
E-mail: angelo-malabanan (at) utulsa (dot) edu