Hi everyone, UC Berkeley is proud to announce the 14th annual Western Invitational Tournament. It will be a packet submission tournament held on November 18th, 2006 at the UC Berkeley campus. David Ding (sokar20002001_at_yahoo.com) will be the tournament director; please email him to register and for any questions about the tournament. Paul Lujan (plujan_at_...) will be the packet editor; please send all of your packets to him. Contacts: Email David (sokar20002001_at_...) to register. Email Paul (plujan_at_berkeley.edu) to submit packets. Rules: ACF Rules, with the following exceptions: 1. Non-verbal conferring allowed. 2. Answers to bonus parts will be read after each part. Eligibility: Any interested players may register as a team. Teams which contain any members who are not enrolled students will not be eligible to win the tournament. Submission: The first two teams from each school (and any teams not affiliated with a school) must submit a packet of 22 tossups and bonuses in order to be eligible to play. Please send your packet to Paul Lujan (plujan_at_...) according to the below guidelines. Any packets which significantly deviate from these guidelines will not be accepted until it is edited to conform to these guidelines. The normal packet deadline will be November 4. Packets submitted by October 14th will receive a $30 discount, and packets submitted by October 28th will receive a $10 discount. Packets submitted after November 4th and before November 11th will be subjected to a $25 penalty. Packets submitted after November 11th will not be accepted. Questions should be 6-8 lines of 12 point Times New Roman or equivalent. Please format your packets according to ACF guidelines. Packet Distribution: 4/4 literature. These should be reasonably distributed both geographically and temporally. They must include at least 1/1 but no more than 2/2) drama, at least 1/1 but no more than 2/2 poetry, and at least 1/1 non-Western works. Please also have a reasonable distribution of answer types (author, work title, character name, and other). 4/4 history. These should also be reasonably distributed geographically and temporally. They must include at least 1/1 American, 1/1 European, and 1/1 non-Western. 4/4 science, with 1/1 of each of biology, chemistry, and physics, and the remaining 1/1 minor sciences (math, computer science, astronomy, earth science, etc.) 3/3 religion, myth, and philosophy, with 1/1 of each. 1/1 social studies (including geography), with the tossup and bonus being from different areas. 3/3 fine arts, with at least 1/1 classical music (including opera), and at least 1/1 visual arts (painting, sculpture, etc.) No more than 1/1 of jazz, architecture, etc. 2/2 trash, with no more than 1/1 of sports, popular music, or any other subdivision of trash. 1/1 general knowledge/current events/interdisciplinary. FEES: $100 base fee -$10 for each team after the first -$5 per buzzer system -$30 for packet submitted before Oct 14th. -$10 for packet submitted before Oct 28th. +$25 for packet submitted after Nov 4th, before Nov 11th. Freelancing: You will receive the entire tournament set for a packet of 11/11 on various categories subject to approval received before Oct. 14th, or a full packet of 22/22 following the distribution above received before Nov. 4th. We also welcome packet swaps, please contact us if you are interested. If you're interested, please first email Paul before working on the packet to ask him what kind of questions he needs (plujan_at_...). We withhold the right to reject packets that we deem to be extraordinarily poor in quality.
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