We're working on playoff rounds for COTKU at UTC (10/21/06.) We
could sure use some help writing quality science questions. (Except
for computer science, I haven't had a science class since the Carter
administration, and I hear they've learned some stuff since then.)
Anyone who writes 5/5 original science questions and gets them to us
by Tues. 10/17 will get a full set of the COTKU questions, or any
other UTC tournament of your choice. Ideally, the distribution
would be:
1 biology
1 chemistry
1 physics
1 other or cross-disciplinary
1 your choice
Considering how many duplicates we're getting on science questions,
it'd also be great if you could write an extra part for each bonus
that we could use in case one part has to be edited out for
E-mail questions to me at SteinhiceC [at] comcast [dot] net. One
caveat: please let us know if you are attending TTGT11 the
following. (We can still use your questions but will need to be
sure we label them clearly.) Thanks.