The College Bowl Club at the University of California, Irvine held the
first ever West Coast Mirror of This Tournament Goes to Eleven
yesterday, October 21st. After a 12 round, round robin tournament,
UCLA took first place with 94 points, followed by Stanford with 74
points, USC with 38 points, and Caltech-UCI with 31 points. In the
singles tournament that followed, Eric Smith of Stanford took 1st
place, Dwight Wynne of UCLA took 2nd place, Marc Spraragen of USC took
3rd, and Ray Luo of UCLA took 4th.
Thanks go out to Ray Luo and Dwight Wynne of UCLA and Carl Boone,
Thomas Bushnell, Jason Luna, Mike Palzes, and Jon Wong of UCI for
writing tournament packets on the UCI end.
Ray Anderson
TD - TTGT 11 mirror at UCI