Icy (ISU Costumed Year-ender) Tournament 2006
Type: College invitational
Style: TBA
Date: December 2, 2006
Location: Carver Hall, Iowa State University
Base Entry Fee: $125
A discount of $10 will be given to each team bringing a working
lockout device. In addition, given the name of the tournament, each
team member appearing in costume will garner a $5 discount (up to a
maximum of $20 for this discount). The costume discount will be
awarded at the discretion of the ISU Quiz Bowl Club.
In addition, each team has the option of submitting up to one packet
of questions for a $25 discount. On Monday, November 27, the discount
is reduced to $15. On Thursday, November 31, no discount will be
applied. Packets are to be 26 tossups and 16 bonus questions, roughly
half academic and half trash.
More information will be posted as the tournament draws closer.
Interested parties should contact either our Praetor at
thainick_at_... or our Aedile at kapitan_at_iastate.edu.