Greetings, everyone! With about a week until TRASH Regionals
Southwest at the University of Tulsa, here is how our field stands:
Oklahoma: 1 team
Oklahoma State: 3 teams (one with Bill Stallard)
Rolla: 1 team
Southwestern Oklahoma State: 2 teams
Texas - Dallas: 2 teams
Tulsa: 1 team
Dave Legler and Company: 1 team
We still have room for a couple more teams. However, I will close
registration at 11:59pm on Tuesday November 7th.
Also, if there are any free agents out there, please contact me, and
we will try to find you a home.
Angelo Malabanan
President - TU Academic Bowl Team
Co-Tournament Director - TRASH Regionals Southwest
E-mail: angelo-malabanan (at) utulsa (dot) edu