Coaches and Players -- NAQT received a paucity of bids to host SCTs this year at both the four-year and the community college level. Our announced procedures didn't cover the case where the aggregate coverage of the submitted sites was insufficient, so we've been mulling over what to do. We've decided to accept these bids immediately: Michigan UC-Irvine Brock Valencia (CC) Accept this bid on the presumption that a scheduling issue can be resolved: Oklahoma State Keep these two bids pending: UTC Pittsburgh And extend the deadline to bid for an SCT (or CC SCT) by another week to Wednesday, November 15. We hope that teams were reticent to bid because they weren't sure of their team size/leadership for the coming year and that, by this point, they will have a better idea. We certainly hope to see a large number of bids arrive so that we can do our best to make everybody's trip to Sectionals convenient. At the same time, we don't want to ignore the possibility that this lack of bids is not chance. If there are non-logistical reasons that your school isn't bidding (financial, policy, whatever), please take the time to let us know so we can think about our plans for subsequent years. The information for bidders may be found here: Along with the host requirements: -- R. Robert Hentzel President and Chief Technical Officer, National Academic Quiz Tournaments, LLC
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