Hi all, ACF Regionals will take place on the weekend of Feb. 17th, 2007. We're not ready to announce host sites just yet, but hopefully we will be ready soon. I will be serving as head editor, and Jerry Vinokurov and Ryan Westbrook will be assisting me. Here's a bunch of information on writing packets. WHO IS SUPPOSED TO WRITE: all A and B teams from schools that played ACF Regionals 2005, ACF Nationals 2005, ACF Regionals 2006, or ACF Nationals 2006, and all bastard/non-affiliated teams are expected to write packets. Note that all packets from any one school must be blind to members of all other teams, including other teams from that school. FORMATTING: same guidelines as for ACF Fall. Look at http://www.hsquizbowl.org/acf-model.doc for an example of the formatting we're looking for. WRITING GOOD QUESTIONS: if you're not sure about this, try looking at Subash's writing tips (http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~paik/acf/subash.html), and look at last year's Regionals set (http://www.dpo.uab.edu/~paik/acf/06regs.zip). If you have any questions, feel free to contact the editors. LENGTH/DIFFICULTY GUIDELINES: tossups should be 6-8 lines in 10 point Times New Roman. Bonus leadins and prompts should average 1-2 lines apiece. If you occasionally spill over onto a third line that's okay. Difficulty-wise, we'd like things to be similar to or slightly easier than last year's Regionals set. BASE FEE: will be $100 per team. PACKET WRITING DISCOUNTS/PENALTIES: for a full, acceptable* packet by Dec. 16th: -$50 Dec. 30th: -$30 Jan. 13th: $0 Jan. 27th: +$20 Feb. 3rd: +$40 no acceptable packet by Feb. 3rd: +$60 These fees apply to teams that are supposed to write packets. Teams that are not required to write packets but choose to do so will receive a $40 discount for an acceptable packet by Dec. 30th, or a $20 discount for an acceptable packet by Jan. 13th. *--packets with wacky formatting, wacky distribution, wacky length/difficulty, wacky spelling/grammar, etc., will be returned to the submitters, and the discount/penalty will be decided based on when an acceptable packet is submitted. I hope many teams will take advantage of the substantial early discounts (play at half price if you get in an acceptable packet in the next month!). PACKET DISTRIBUTION: 5/5 history 5/5 literature 5/5 science 3/3 religion/myth/philosophy 3/3 fine arts 2/2 social science 2/2 trash/current events/geography/general knowledge Here are some subdistribution requirements. History: at least 3 American (i.e., at least 1/2 or 2/1), at least 1/1 European, and at least 1/1 world/ancient. Spread things out over time periods and subcategories (political history, military history, social history, etc.). Literature: at least 2/2 American and/or British, at least 1/1 continental European, at least 1/1 ancient/world. Please spread your questions out over time period and genre (novels, plays, poems, short stories, essays, criticism/theory, whatever else you can come up with). Science: at least 1/1 biology, 1/1 chemistry, 1/1 physics, and 1/1 non-bio/chem/physics. No more than 1/1 of any non-bio/chem/physics category (2/2 earth science is, sadly, not acceptable). Religion/Myth/Philosophy: 1/1 of each. Spread things out over cultures. Fine Arts: at least 1/1 visual arts and 1/1 music. The last 1/1 can be more visual art, more music, or other performing arts. Spread things out over cultures. Social Science: no more than 1/1 in any category. If you want to submit a law or archeology question as social science, make sure the clues are predominantly law or archeology clues, not history clues. Social science includes but is not limited to psychology, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, linguistics, and archeology. Trash/Current Events/Geography/General Knowledge: No more than 1/1 of any category. General knowledge includes interdisciplinary questions. SUBMISSIONS: send completed packets with questions sorted and labeled by category to me at setht_at_.... Packets should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents with the appropriate formatting. Please include your team designation and list the people who wrote/edited questions for your packet at the top of your packet. DON'T: plagiarize, resubmit old questions, or show your questions to anyone not on your team besides the editors. FEEDBACK: if you want feedback from the editors on your packet after the tournament, please let me know when you submit your packet. I think that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to email me (setht_at_...) and/or the other editors (Jerry: jerry_v_at_..., Ryan: cryobristow_at_...). -Seth
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