The Oklahoma State University Quiz Bowl team will host a sectional championship
tournament on Feb. 10, 2007.
Due to scheduling conflicts at our Stillwater campus, the tournament will be at the
University of Tulsa (not to be confused with OSU-Tulsa).
The fee structure:
$120 for the first team
$100 for each additional team
-$10 for every 100 miles driven (according to MapQuest)
-$15 for each working buzzer system brought
-$15 for each volunteer brought (Please let us know in advance who you're bringing.
There's an excess of volunteers, we'll take folks on a first come, first served basis.)
-$40 for schools that have not competed at an SCT in at least two years
Minimum fee: $50
Please send questions, bribe attempts and/or registration information to lenzy.krehbiel at
okstate dot edu. Registration is open through Feb. 3, 2007 at 11:59 p.m. CST
Lenzy Krehbiel
SCT Tournament Director
OSU Quiz Bowl
lenzy.krehbiel at okstate dot edu