Hi there. Hope everyone is enjoying their breaks...as we get near the
<http://www.mikeburger.com/abd2007.html> ABD 2007, a couple of quick notes
from your tournament directors:
1). When you're writing a packet, please do everyone a small favor and
proofread it, reading it aloud to yourself if need be. A lot of time can be
saved in the editing process if everyone makes sure that what they have
written makes sense when read. Thank you.
2). If you're not interested in playing, we really really could use your
help in staffing. We'll feed you lunch, and we really could use the help. If
you're interested in staffing, please email Mike or myself (email addresses
on the announcement page) so we can send you the thanks of grateful
tournament organizers.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Mike or myself.
Thank you.
Craig Barker
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