Eric Berman and I are in the thick of writing questions for this
year's DUCK Bowl, but we wanted to re-iterate our desire for
freelance help. We'll be happy to give up the rest of the set for a
packet's worth of questions. If you ask nicely, we may even be able
to locate last year's set, too. If you'd like to contribute
questions, please e-mail blindmoose_at_... (blindmoose-AT-yahoo-
DOT-com) ASAP so we know to be expecting them from you. If we could
have them by March 1, that would be optimal.
Similarly, if your team wants to register for the tournament, send a
note to the above address and let me know. We've had preliminary
interest from the following teams:
Notre Dame
Bowling Green
There's plenty of space left, so please come to Greencastle to
celebrate St. Patrick's Day. The question set is designed to be
accessible to even the newest teams, but still challenging to
experienced players.
The original announcement (with all the details) may be found here: