Hello all, As you may or may not have known ACF Nationals will be taking place on March 31, 2007 at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. The official Tournament Director will be Adam Kemezis and the on site point man will be Matt Keller. Please send all team registrations to both of these gentlemen at the following email addresses: akemezis_at_... and matthew.d.keller_at_.... When you register please include any information about buzzers and/or moderators you all will be providing. While they will not be eligible for the title, teams composed of masters players (e.g. non students) are allowed to compete as long as we have space in the field. All teams who have played an ACF tournament in the last three years are required to submit a packet. If they do not submit a packet by the final late penalty deadline of March 17 at 4am, they will be assessed a crazy financial penalty and will learn the ever lasting ire of Matt Lafer. Here are the exceptions: if you know now you aren't going to be able to produce a packet or simply don't want to, then tell us as soon as possible (so we can plan to write a replacement) and we will charge you a $200 flat fee (subject to moderator and buzzer discounts, of course); more legitimately, if you are an inexperienced team (i.e. this is your organization's first ACF Nationals in three years or you are a new team) then your may write a modified packet of 15 and 15 and have it count as a full packet. Please let me know by February 9, if you want to take advantage of either of these offers. Base fee per team: $140 Additional teams from the same school: $110 Working buzzer discount: $5 per buzzer (with a minimum of two per school) Competent moderator discount (as determined by me): $10 Here is the discount/penalty schedule: Jan 26 -$40 Feb 9 -$20 Feb 16 No penalty March 2 + $20 March 16 + $40 Note: to qualify for the discounts and/or have your packets accepted they must be formatted properly. If you send us a packet and it is not formatted properly we will assess an additional $25 penalty. I can't stress how much time correcting formatting wastes, time that should be spent improving questions and writing the playoff packets. Packets must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. First off, no question should exceed 8 lines. In fact, 6-7 would be ideal. The text should be in size 10 Times New Roman Font. Do not number your questions or use tabs or any other mechanism that can trigger auto-formatting in word except for smart quotes and apostrophes. Do not put page breaks between blocks of questions. Please sort your questions by category and label them: Literature TUs followed by 5 questions and then Literature Bonuses followed by those questions, for example. The answers to tossups should be preceded by "ANSWER: " and should have the required portions in bold and underlined. Please do not use bold or underlining in any part of any question that is not the answer. Bonus parts should be preceded by their point value in brackets such as [10], and answers should be treated as specified above for tossups. At the top of the packet please write the name of the institution you represent and the names of the packet authors in bold. Here is the distribution for a Nationals packet: 25/25 Literature ... 5/5 History ... 5/5 Science ... 5/5 Religion/Myth/Philosophy ... 3/3 Fine Arts ... 3/3 Geography/Social Sciences ... 2/2 More "Big Three" (science, lit, history) ... 1/1 Your choice (could be any mix of the above, including yet more science, lit, and/or history; could also be as much as 1/1 trash) ... 1/1 Please send all packets and concerns about packets to both Andrew Yaphe and I at the following addresses: adyaphe_at_... and eberdich_at_.... Indeed, if you have any questions at all pertaining to the tournament or comments as to why Gilbert Arenas shouldn't be the MVP feel free to email us. Thanks and hope to see you all at the end of March, Ezequiel Berdichevsky Head Editor, ACF Nationals 2007
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