Pardon my cross-posting...
The field for NAQT Sectionals Southeast (at UTC 2/10/07) is starting
to fill out more, though the exact count is still a little fuzzy.
Please contact us at utcquizbowl [at] gmail [dot] com with any
Here's what I have so far:
Alabama: at least 2 teams (divisions TBA)
Berry: >=1 team (div. TBA)
Florida: 3 teams (1 div. I, 2 div. II)
Florida State: 1 team (div. I)
Georgia: 3-4 teams (1 div. I, 2-3 div. II)
Georgia Tech: 1 team (div. II)
Kentucky: 1-2 teams (1-2 div. I)
Mississippi State: 1 team (div. II)
Shorter: 1 team (div. II)
Southern Virginia: 1 team (div. II)
Tennessee: 1-2 teams (divisions TBA)
Vanderbilt: 2 teams (1 div. I, 1 div. II)
So I count 18 teams minimum, with several still pending and no word
yet from some of the usual suspects. Stay tuned...