Still planning to volunteer.
On 1/31/07, Emil Thomas Chuck <etchuck_at_...> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just wanted to be sure that everyone on this listserv knew about the
> SCT held at George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia). I thank
> those teams that have already signed up, and our group is looking
> forward to hosting this event.
> Information and virtual registration can be done online on the Quiz
> Bowl Resource Center ( board under College >
> Announcements & Results > NAQT Mid-Atlantic at George Mason. The link
> is (in case you
> can read it). Please read this link as it has details on the
> tournament fees, including to whom checks should be made.
> Please let us know quickly so I can finalize the room count and the
> usual accoutrements of tournament organization.
Gordon Arsenoff
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]