Congratulations to Virginia Commonwealth, Princeton, and Maryland for
fielding teams that won our Divisions I, I-undergrad, and II titles
respectively. Thank you to all of the 22 teams that attended. A deep
heartfelt thanks to all who volunteered as readers and staff at this
event, including (but not limited to) Jessie Bykowski, Evan Silberman,
Ted Gioia, Art Fleming, Dan Greenstein, Tricia Southard, Dave Bykowski
(in abstentia), Dwight Kidder, Andrew Feist, Gordon Arsenoff, the
Mason University Scholars kids including Katie Raney, the Mason Alpha
Phi Omega kids, and everyone else whose name I cannot think of but
meant to upon further shaking of my old brain (like Morgan... Morgan...).
Statistics are available through the discussion link on the Quiz Bowl
Resource Center forums (
If you did not receive a hard-copy set of questions, I would like
appropriate mailing information so that I can tell NAQT to ship a set
to you.
Good luck to all the teams that participated nationally as we await
the bids for Minneapolis.