Hey everyone, This is Mike Bentley from the Maryland Academic Quiz Bowl team, and I'd like to announce that I've started a quizbowl podcast, appropriately called the Quizbowl Cast. You can find the blog at http://quizbowlcast.blogspot.com which has links to all of the episodes, you can subscribe to the RSS feed to automatically download new episodes at http://www.doc-ent.com/qbc/qbc.xml, and you can subscribe automatically through iTunes by visiting: http:// phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=216169149 The podcast alternates between episodes with me reading questions on my own to the audience and recordings of actual matches. I already have about 5 matches from this year's 2007 ACF Regionals posted, with several more still to be uploaded. Future episodes of the podcast will cover high school and trash tournaments as well as the college circuit. Hopefully these podcasts will serve as good experience for individuals wanting to get better at the game outside of practice and matches. If you have any recordings that you've made on questions that you have permission to distribute (and the people you recorded agreed to be recorded), feel free to get in contact with me so I can host them and put them on the feed. If you have any comments or feedback, please e-mail me at quizbowlcast_at_gmail.com. Thanks, Mike Bentley Treasurer of Maryland Academic Quiz Team
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