For your scheduling convenience, here are UT-Chattanooga's tournament
plans for fall 2007, and tentative plans for spring 2008:
Sat. 9/29 -- Trevor's Trivia: Bob Selcer Memorial High School Quizbowl
Sat. 10/20 -- Center of the Known Universe Open (collegiate academic)
Sun. 10/21 -- Big Lots (trash, mirror of FOGHAT)
Sat. 12/1 -- TrashMasters (trash, of course)
There will be some extended trash event the morning of Sun. 12/2 for
TrashMasters participants, but the tournament itself will be Saturday
As for 2008, we've scheduled the Dennis Haskins Open High School
Quizbowl for Sat., March 1. We are tentatively planning Sword Bowl for
Sat., Jan. 26, 2008, and we're waiting for national events to be
scheduled before we set the date for Moon Pie & RC Cola. If you know
of any issues with these dates, or have any other questions, feel free
to contact us at utcquizbowl [at] gmail [dot] com.