G.A.R.B.A.G.E. (Greetings And Regrets Became Anne's Great Expectations) will be held on the weekend of February 16, 2008. G.A.R.B.A.G.E. is not affiliated with or produced by ACF, but ACF Regionals' Editor-In-Chief Matt Weiner has stated that "pairing a nationwide trash event with Regionals is a darn swell idea and golly gee, I sure do wish the best of luck to any two-tournament shindigs." Hosts have the option to run the tournament on whatever day of the weekend ACF Regionals is not held as events make doing so preferable. Date announcements from each host will follow as the sites are determine and so forth. If ACF Regional hosts are not interested in hosting G.A.R.B.A.G.E., other sites in that geographic area will be sought out. As sites for ACF Regionals have yet to be announced, G.A.R.B.A.G.E. sites will not be announced until after those sites have begun to be announced. G.A.R.B.A.G.E. is intended to have interesting questions that are accessible and on topics of importance in popular culture. We will produce questions that follow normal "well practices" established by entities such as ACF, NAQT and PACE. Documents such as Subash Maddipotti's Ten Tips For Question Writing, located at http://acf-quizbowl.com/documents/subash.php, and Jerry Vinokurov's "How to Write Questions," found at http://acf-quizbowl.com/documents/howtowrite.php, will be followed. Additionally, tournament's such as the University of Maryland's excellent trash tournaments of the past will be used as inspiration.Two key guidelines will be followed regarding subjects of questions and the structure of questions: 1. Are the questions, per the standards set above, written in a manner that allows the team with the deepest knowledge the best opportunity to answer the question? 2. Are the subjects of questions of sufficient notability to warrant being the topic of a toss-up or bonus? Regarding question structure, the following statement from the announcement for ACF Fall will be followed. "For question structure: note the dense, specific, helpful clues packed into each question, the structuring of each bonus to give 10 points to all teams, 20 to many, and 30 to the best, and the selection of widely known tossup answers with many interesting and useful clues available." The packet distribution for each round will be as follows: 4/4 sports - 3/3 for NBA, NFL, MLB, college football and men's college basketball; 1/1 for minor sports, with an emphasis on NHL, NASCAR, soccer, golf, and tennis. 4/4 music - 2/2 for the 1990s on, 2/2 pre-'90s 3/3 TV - 2/2 for the '90s on, 1/1 pre-'90s 3/3 movies - 2/2 for the '90s on, 1/1 pre-'90s 1/1 video games 5/5 others - with focuses on comic books, consumer products/businesses, comic strips, additional video game questions, additional television questions, additional movie questions, and books/magazines, although it's entirely possible I'm overlooking something(s) Total: 20/20 Each "Big Four" category will never have a distribution greater than 4/4 per packet. Video games will never have a distribution greater than 2/2 per packet. Other minor categories will never have a distribution greater than 1/1 per packet. Extra questions will follow the above distribution. 12 rounds, plus additional replacement questions for both "moderator flubs" and extra complete rounds, will be produced. All questions will be authored by Fred Morlan. The editorial team is still being formed at this point. The current editorial team will be found below. 3/3 "major" sports - TBA 1/1 "minor" sports - TBA 2/2 music, '90s & '00s - Mike Bentley, University of Maryland 2/2 music, pre-1990 - TBA 2/2 TV, '90 & '00s - Bentley 1/1 TV, pre-1990 - TBA 2/2 movies, '90s & '00s - Matt Weiner, formerly 1/1 movies, pre-1990 - Weiner 1/1 video games - Bentley 5/5 others - Bentley Any questions regarding the event may be answered by e-mailing Fred Morlan at fredmorlan_at_... or by posting in the appropriate thread at http://www.hsquizbowl.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=58585#58585 .
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