This is being no fun. Two more teams have
withdrawn today, making three in the past 20 hours, and
five since Monday. (One of the newly withdrawn teams
was only a very recent addition off the waitlist now
finding they couldn't manage it after all -- their having
held a spot for a few days didn't keep any other team
from being able to take it, so that's alright. But I
sure wish some of the others had withdrawn weeks ago,
when eager waitlisted teams could still have found it
possible to take their place!)
This has all been
in Division I, which is now apparently only a 39
team field rather than the desired 42. In Division II
all but one team ever invited accepted, and nobody
has withdrawn after first accepting. Plus we have two
additional teams signed on to come as stand-bys, one of them
flying from the Midwest. Yay Division II.
NAQT ICT Invitations Coordinator and Division II (yay
Division II) Tournament Director